Mirrord - Overview

When we have a large project with a kubernetes cluster, it’s sometimes difficult to debug and test certain parts of the application. Mirrord allows us to bind a local port to a remote server. flowchart TB request --> mirrord subgraph Pod mirrord -.-x|intercepted| live_server:3000 end mirrord -->|db connection| db[(Database db:5000)] mirrord -->|forwarded| local_machiene(local:3000) local_machiene -.-|connects db:5000 via mirrord| db You can run a local server for example on port 3000 and bind it to a remote server....

Kubernetes - Overview

Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. It’s a very powerful tool which allows us to declare how the infra should look like and the kubernetes will make sure that the infra is in the desired state. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available. How Kubernetes Works Kubernetes uses a declarative model, allowing users to specify their desired state for the deployments and services they run....