Vim Inspired modern IDEs

I learned vim a while ago but really didn’t use it for main projects or daily work. Lately I decided to rebuild my neovim config from scratch and really enjoyed setting up and using all the parts. It inspired me to setup similar configurations in other modern editors. While looking around the internet for similar setups, I found that zed is a very attractive choice for a good combination of vim and modern IDE features....

Github - Open repo in web editor

Using a web browser, we can open up a vscode like ide environment with our codebase ( from repo ) and throw in some edits. Goto your repo ( in ) Select the url and change into You get your vscode ide opened with all your repo files listed. After making edits goto Source control tab and manage changes ( stage changes ). Enter the commit message and Click commit & push, your changes are now reflected in the repo....

Vim Cheatsheet

Vim Cheatsheet Cursor Navigation Vim has several commands for moving the cursor around the file. Here are the basic ones, which work in Normal mode: h: Move cursor left j: Move cursor down k: Move cursor up l: Move cursor right These are some more advanced commands: w: Move to start of next word b: Move to start of previous word e: Move to end of word 0 (zero): Move to start of line...