Standards - how they form, how I define standards for use cases

What is a standard? Standardization is a process of developing guidelines or way of doing things for common and repeated tasks. Standards are generaly opinionated by experts in the field and are widely accepted by the community. We require standards to follow to have a common ground for collaboration and organization of repeated tasks. Standards for collaboration When multiple people are working on same domain / system, it’s much easier to follow a pattern for specific tasks....

HTMX - Handling form submissions.

Htmx allows us to handle async form submissions with ease by using hx-post attribute. In background it will issue a post request to the url specified in hx-post attribute and replace the element with the response. Setup with Gofiber Initialize go module and install dependencies go mod init htmx-form go get go get Setup Server package main import ( "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { // Setup html template engine engine := html....

Nextjs - Setup with Bootstrap

Setup nextjs with bootstrap Initialize nextjs project with typescript pnpm create next-app --typescript Install bootstrap pnpm add bootstrap Add bootstrap css to app/layout.tsx or pages/_app import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; Create a bootstrap client component components/Bootstrap.tsx "use client"; import { useEffect } from "react"; function BootstrapClient() { useEffect(() => { require("bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"); }, []); return null; } export default BootstrapClient; Add bootstrap client component to app/layout.tsx or pages/_app layout.tsx might look like this. import BootstrapClient from "@/components/boostrap"; import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap....

Go - Template

Let’s check the Go template syntax and essentials. Placeholders The {{ }} is used to denote a placeholder. It can contain a variable, function, control statments like if, for, range etc. a variant of placeholder is {{- -}} which is used to trim the whitespace before the placeholder, {{- trims the whitespace before the placeholder and -}} trims the whitespace after the placeholder. Variables Variables are defined using the {{ $variableName := value }} syntax....

Go - Options Pattern

In go, it’s really useful pattern to pass options to functions. It’s a common usecase to have optional arguments to a function. I use it mostly to initialize something with default values and optionally override them. Primary idea is to use variadic arguments to pass options to a function. eg: func NewService(options ...ServiceOption) *Service { ... } options ...ServiceOption is the variadic argument. There are two ways to do this....

Go - Setup simple gofiber server.

Gofiber is a fast lightweight web framework with simple api, inspired by expressjs. The simplicity of the api makes it easy to get started with. It’s also fast and has a lot of features. Setup Create a new project Create a new directory and initialize a go module. go mod init Install gofiber go get -u a main.go with hello world touch main.go package main import "" func main() { // gofiber with default settings app := fiber....

Benchmarking JSON vs HTML processing functions

This benchmark compares performance of JSON serialization and HTML template rendering. In a server returning HTML or JSON the main difference is with the serialization. So I wanted to know how much difference it makes to return a JSON response vs HTML response. So I just tested json serialization vs html template rendering in Go. Benchmarking Setup The setup is simple, with go test, main_test.go package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "testing" "text/template" "github....

HTMX - Using hx-select and hx-select-oob

hx-select When the server returns a broad html response, we can use hx-select to select a part of the response and replace the target element with it. For example, consider the following html <body> <div id="main-info"> </div> <div> Some content here </div> <button hx-get="/get-update" hx-target="#main-info" hx-select="#main-info"> update </button> </body> and we get a response from /get-update endpoint like this <div id="main-info"> Main information <p>This is main info</p> </div> <div id="extra-info"> <p>Additional info 1</p> <p>Additional info 2</p> </div> The hx-select will only select the element with id main-info and replace the target element #main-info with it....

Nextjs - Export as static site

Nextjs is a great framework to create multiple page react applications. It can also export the whole app as a static site. This is extremely useful if we want to avoid nodejs server and use another server like nginx to host the site, which is faster and more efficient. To export the site, we need to change the next.config.js file to include the following: const nextConfig = { distDir: "build", output: "export", }; export default nextConfig; This will export the app as a static site to build folder....

HTMX - Using hx-swap-oob

When starting to try htmx, It felt nice that we can interact and replace one area with response. As I started to build something practical, the need for updating multiple elements on response increased. Htmx has an attribute hx-swap-oob which helps to achieve exactly this. (OOB - out of bound) For an html section like this <body> <div id="main-info"> </div> <div> Some content here </div> <div id="extra-info"> </div> <button hx-get="/get-update" hx-target="#main-info" hx-swap="outerHTML"> update </button> </body> On clicking update I want 2 elements #main-info and #extra-info to be updated....