HTMX - Navigation Methods

When working with web applications, it’s common to navigate between different pages. It’s one of the basic parts of a web application. While using HTMX, it offers a few ways to achieve navigation between pages. Let’s explore them. hx-push-url attribute ( client ) This attribute is used to push a new URL to the browser’s history. This will change the URL without reloading the page. <a hx-get="/about" hx-push-url="true">About</a> or <a hx-get="/about" hx-push-url="/about-page">About</a> Hx-Push-Url header ( server ) We can also use Hx-Push-Url header to push a new URL to the browser’s history....

HTMX - Trigger events from Server.

When using HTMX is a common pattern to write event based actions or ui updates in the client side. It’s a good practice to use javascript as event based scripting system in our client side code. Some events from the server might be required in client side to update the DOM or to trigger some actions. A common pattern to achieve this is to respond a header Server-Event with a value holding the custom event and then using javascript, you can handle the custom event....

GO + HTMX - A Crud implementation

As I was exploring htmx, I wanted to try out an interactive workflow with it. A classic example is a data list, modal to create / update data and a delete. Setup with Gofiber Initialize go module and install dependencies go mod init htmx-crud go get go get Setup Server html template engine main.go package main import ( "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { // Setup html template engine engine := html....

Razor Pages + HTMX - Handling form submissions.

Htmx allows us to handle async form submissions with ease by using hx-post attribute. In background it will issue a post request to the url specified in hx-post attribute and replace the element with the response. In this post we will try to handle form submissions in razor pages using htmx. Initialize a new razor pages project. dotnet new razor -o htmx-form In Pages/Index.cshtml we setup the layout. @page @using Htmx @model IndexModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Home page"; } <div class="row pb-5"> <div class="col"> Form here </div> <div class="col"> Login here </div> </div> Create a partial userform which will be used here and in the post request....

HTMX - Handling form submissions.

Htmx allows us to handle async form submissions with ease by using hx-post attribute. In background it will issue a post request to the url specified in hx-post attribute and replace the element with the response. Setup with Gofiber Initialize go module and install dependencies go mod init htmx-form go get go get Setup Server package main import ( "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { // Setup html template engine engine := html....

Go - Setup simple gofiber server.

Gofiber is a fast lightweight web framework with simple api, inspired by expressjs. The simplicity of the api makes it easy to get started with. It’s also fast and has a lot of features. Setup Create a new project Create a new directory and initialize a go module. go mod init Install gofiber go get -u a main.go with hello world touch main.go package main import "" func main() { // gofiber with default settings app := fiber....

HTMX - Using hx-select and hx-select-oob

hx-select When the server returns a broad html response, we can use hx-select to select a part of the response and replace the target element with it. For example, consider the following html <body> <div id="main-info"> </div> <div> Some content here </div> <button hx-get="/get-update" hx-target="#main-info" hx-select="#main-info"> update </button> </body> and we get a response from /get-update endpoint like this <div id="main-info"> Main information <p>This is main info</p> </div> <div id="extra-info"> <p>Additional info 1</p> <p>Additional info 2</p> </div> The hx-select will only select the element with id main-info and replace the target element #main-info with it....

HTMX - Using hx-swap-oob

When starting to try htmx, It felt nice that we can interact and replace one area with response. As I started to build something practical, the need for updating multiple elements on response increased. Htmx has an attribute hx-swap-oob which helps to achieve exactly this. (OOB - out of bound) For an html section like this <body> <div id="main-info"> </div> <div> Some content here </div> <div id="extra-info"> </div> <button hx-get="/get-update" hx-target="#main-info" hx-swap="outerHTML"> update </button> </body> On clicking update I want 2 elements #main-info and #extra-info to be updated....

HTMX - Using hx-target and hx-swap

The main attraction of HTMX is that it allows us to asynchronously swap the content of an element with server response using hx-swap and hx-target attribute with minimal effort and with less / no javascript. For an html contnet like this <html> <head> <title>HTMX - Using htmx hx-target and hx-swap attribute</title> </head> <body> <div id="content"> <p>Content will be replaced here</p> </div> <button id="btn" hx-get="/get-content" hx-target="#content" hx-swap="outerHTML">Click Me</button> </body> </html> Let’s look at the button attributes...

HTMX - Overview

HTMX is a javascript library that allows to make web applications more interactive and dynamic. It’s based on hypermedia driven app philosophy. It enhances the capabilities of HTML attributes to make the web applications more interactive. Vanilla HTML attributes does something special only for the following a tag href attribute: navigates to the link form tag action attribute: submits the form to the action url htmx allows other elements to send http requests and update the DOM based on the response, without writing any javascript....