Running AI Coder Locally

AI Coding tools like copilot, cody etc.. are becoming very relevant and helpful. But, the problem is that they are not available offline. This became a problem when I wanted to travel and had no internet access. So, I remembered about ollama and was looking for a way to use it for my local development. Ollama Ollama is a tool that allows us to run LLMs locally. You can get it simply by:...

Why are we fascinated by AI ?

Why are we fascinated by AI? I’ve been thinking of this for a while now. People are so hyped about AI, especially generative AI. It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t impressed, but behind all the excitement I also paused to analyze the whys. To gain an answer to this, I stepped back and thought about the scenarios where we get fascinated before the AI hype was there....