Golang is well known for the simplicity and performance it offers. It follows a procedural programming paradigm and has a very minimalistic syntax. Sometimes, it’s too verbose compared to some enterprise languages like Java, C# and Python. But, it’s the same reason why I’m more productive with Go.

Limited but essential features

Go allows us to achieve something in one or only limited amount of ways. This itself is a huge productivity booster as there will be limited choices of patterns to choose from, which makes it easier to make decisions. It’s like choosing a flavor of ice cream from a list of 10 flavors vs a list of 100 flavors. It’s easier to choose from 10 flavors than 100.

Less abstractions

When I write some program in go, I mostly never do heavy abstractions like in OOP Languages where a lot of magic happens behind the scenes. Even though it feels fun to write facades, decorators, and other patterns, especially ones that are one-size fits all, building builders keep me away from writing the actual business logic and becomes a distraction. Go’s simplicity keeps me focused on the actual problem I’m solving.

Proto and Prod gap

Go’s minimalistic syntax allows us to write protypes very fast. Especially in cases of concurrent programs. Usually when writing concurrent systems, A lot of corners will be cut to make a prototype fast. When writing go, the difference between prototype and production code is very minimal. This is a huge productivity booster as we can write a prototype and then refactor it to production code without much effort.

Build time

One of the factors that makes me more productive with Go is the build time. Go has a very fast build time. This allows me to iterate faster and see the results of my changes faster. This is a huge productivity booster as I can see the results of my changes faster. Even for large codebases the compile time is pretty fast.